James: Multi-faceted
Freeman: Self-cannibal
Cam: Spear Thief
Reading List:
Gongorinan (Brood Qlippoth)
Appearance (pretty much all from 1e)
· A six-legged, rock-encrusted crab, lacking in any aquatic adaptations.
· They have 4 different ‘arms’: a crab pincer, a mantis claw, a tentacle and a humanoid arm and hand.
· It has at least a dozen(?) eyes attached to 3ft. stalks along it’s body.
· Its mouth is mess of sliding plates and ridges that make grating and skrieking sounds (but are not suited for attacks).
· When idle, they retract their limbs and eyestalks and resemble a boulder.
· They are about 6ft (1.8m) and 800 lbs. (363kg).
Motivations – 2e
· These Qlippoth are not focused on the elimination of mortals like a lot of others.
· Instead they are intent on the removal of understanding their actions, removing the possibility of sin and therefore negating the possibility they will be sent to the Outer Rifts after death.
· They consider killing sinful creatures that so many Qlippoth commit to as a major part of the problem. Since it only feeds more souls to the Demons.
Ecology – 1e
· Spawned from Yamasoth itself, they hold clutches of “heart-sized ‘eggs’” that contain the quintessence of the Outer Rifts and the ichor or Yamasoth.
· The eggs can be implanted into a living host via a ‘ovipositor’ (new word for me) in its mouth.
· This is a time-consuming procedure that leaves the Gongorinan vulnerable.
· The ‘eggs’ take many days to grow, and the victim is usually cocooned and hidden away during the process.
· As they gestate, they feed upon the victim’s Intelligence and eventually permanently transforms them into an animal, aberration, [magical] beast or vermin. Whatever the Gongorinan decides.
· They become loyal to the Gongorinan, whom they see as their ‘progenitor’.
· Their memories of their previous lives are erased, but if they are restored somehow (presumably through powerful magic) their time with the Gongorinan is added to the memories that are returned to them.
· And in many cases, this results in the victim going insane as they see their time with the Gongorinan as their “true” life and the rest as a false curse they are doomed to continue.
· Beneath Hollow Mountain, on the Rivenrake Island in the Varisian Gulf, about 8,000 ft (2438m) below ground is the immense cavern known as Gongorina.
· This is in the layer known as Sekamina (middle layer of the Darklands, where Yamasoth once made his home and fleshwarping laboratory.
· They form massive hive-like cities in the Outer Rifts, where populations reach the thousands.
· However, its in Gongorina that the largest of these cities exists
· They remain the favoured minion of Yamasoth, likely created by his hand to begin with. And they often serve as officers in his armies.
Gongorinan (Introduced with Remaster Monster Core)
Augnagar (Hunger Qlippoth)
· Swollen spider-like legs (more obvious in the 1e art) that are webbed like bat wings, stinger-tipped tails like a scorpion, and a wingspan of 30 ft. (9m).
· It weighs about 6,000 lbs (2722kg)
· They live to feast (perhaps much like the Nyogoth), but they prefer rotting flesh or demon flesh.
· Above all though…they prefer the flesh of other Augnagar.
· If it can manage to satisfy its hunger, especially when feasting on Augnagar flesh, it will grow to an immense size. To the point that it can’t move and just thrashes about where it lies.
· At which point it will go into a frenzy and self-cannibalize itself.
· And from the ruinous remains of such an event…rises the Thulgant, a smaller, but more powerful Qlippoth.
Augnagar (Updated in Remaster Monster Core)